Weeek week #7: The management optimization and new features for tasks
Another beautiful weeek just passed, but we already up to you with a cool new stuff. We optimized our task management tools, added few new features, and updated our sweet design. Let’s take a closer look.
- Link your social network profiles
Now you can link to Weeek your Facebook, Google, and VK profiles. To do this go to Profile settings → click Connect → allow connection with Weeek on a side of your social media platform. Voila! Now you can authorize into your Weeek account without typing a password.
2. Change an order of columns in your boards
Just click on the 6 dots near a column title and drag-and-drop the column to a place where you want it to be.
This feature will simplify a task management and will make it easier to solve planning mistakes. It’s easier to replace a column with tasks, than each task separately, don’t you think?
3. Improvement in a transition between workspaces
We updated our design and the transition between workspaces now looks more comfortable.
4. Hotkeys hints
We worked out our hotkeys to help you speedup your task management. Give them a try! To learn them, click on your account icon in the right-upper corner and choose Hotkeys. Now you know kung-fu!
To get you covered, some hotkeys hints will appear in the moment of a task creation:
5. Share a link to your task
To do this, click on a link icon in a task panel. The link will be automatically copied to the clipboard.
Now you can send it wherever you want. Click. Done! You are the Master of the Universe!
If a recipient have a Weeek account, he will have an ability to make changes in a task, change its priority, leave comments, etc.
6. Unscheduled tasks on the calendar and boards are grouped now
From this update, tasks without a deadline will be grouped in a one place. To find them, go to a target calendar and just click on a purple lamp icon “Unscheduled”:
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