Again, good news for users of the Weeek app on iOS — it has become even closer to the web version and now you can attach, view and delete files there!
It’s simple. The “Attach file” button appeared in each issue. Clicking on it opens a menu, where you can choose what to attach: an image from the gallery or a file from the files app (and cloud services, if they are connected to this app).
After selecting a file, it is uploaded to the server and the cloud icon with an arrow appears to the left of the name. Now you can upload the file to your device, if necessary. After downloading the file to your device, you can view it.
To the right of the file name, there is a “Delete file” button.
All files that you or your colleagues attach in the web version are immediately displayed in the mobile app. And vice versa.
For new users of the mobile app, there is an introductory screen, where in three slides we talk about the main features of the service and the app. This means that it’s time to invite friends and colleagues to join WEEEK 🎉
We keep working on the app — thanks to active users who share feedback with us, we make it more stable and convenient. Download updated app in the App Store, use it, write about problems and your ideas for improving the project in our telegram chat.