WEEEK Week #23: Timer and Drag’n’Drop Subtasks

2 min readMar 19, 2020


New week — new features. There are not so many of them, but you’ve waited so long for this moment: we fixed the task timer and (drum roll!) added the drag and drop ability for subtasks.


Every task has a timer in WEEEK. If you start it, everyone will see you’re working on a task. But we had a bug the other day: when you stopped the timer, it was reset, and after it was started from zero.

We’ve fixed it, and now the timer isn’t reset. You can track labor for each task. Convenient 🤔.

Drag’n’Drop Subtasks

Previously, when you wanted to make a certain subtask order, you had to write it in the correct sequence. And when you made a mistake, had to delete part of the subtasks and write it again. Many complained about it.

Well, we heard you loud and clear. We’ve added the ability to manually sort subtasks, and now you can organize subtasks as you like.

We went to make WEEEK even more convenient and functional. And we’re waiting for your feedback, comments and suggestions in our telegram chat :)




Written by WEEEK

Service for personal and team projects managing.

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