We continue to swiftly fix bugs and update the WEEEK app. Last week, we did three not so important, but useful things:
- Links are displayed as links;
- Task header has a character counter;
- Also, we added a delete button on the task top panel.
Links recognition
Previously, to add a link to the task description, you had to select part of the text, press CTRL + K (CMD + K) or the button on the edit panel, and after that insert the URL in the field. Even if you immediately inserted the URL into the text.
We fixed it, and now the system will automatically recognize the URL. Wow!
Task header character counter
When you create many tasks at the same time, you often don’t overthink to complete them. Well, you kind of write the headline and it seems okay, you’ll figure it out later. But, the header field has a limit on the number of characters you need to stay within.
Now, we show the character counter (max 250 character) to stay within the limitation easier.
“Delete task” button
To delete a task, you had to open the menu on the side of the “Duplicate task” button. The delete button was hiding there.
We don’t hide it anymore — here it is, darling, on the panel, next to the other buttons. There is no need to open the menu, you can delete the task in one click.
That’s the full report. The greatest changes still lay ahead — WEEEK will become even cooler and more user-friendly. We’re waiting for your feedback, comments and suggestions in our telegram chat :)